Plants grow
from the soil and the plants will feed almost all life on earth.
The soil
dwellers such as bacteria and fungi recycle once-living organisms into
nutrients and soil organic matter
Most of them
take in oxygen do their work and they give off carbon dioxide.
Soils are
more than dirt. Dirt is a mixture of mineral, air, water and dead things
The possibilities
are almost endless – bugs, bacteria, fungi, feces, worms and other things.
Soil has
history they are unique, colorful and exotic layers give clue to have changed over
Most of the earth’s
land is in thin soil a variable mixture of minerals, air, water and countless
living organisms
The earth’s
skin is just not one soil each of it has its own story
Soils are
alive they are born and breathe just like us
Soils are
always created and lost. You can see soil almost anywhere.
Air, Water,
Minerals, and organic matter are the basic ingredients of soils.
They occur
in many combinations
Roots and
organisms need the water and air that fills the space between particles.
Soils forms
from deposited or exposed by sediments and things.
develop as parent’s materials ages in place
Soils take
it shape as the water moves