Monday, March 10, 2014

Water Pollution

Water pollution is when you put bottles and other things that will pollute the water
      Nutrients Pollution: Waste water and the sewers that has nutrient in the water.
If it goes in a body of water it will grow algae and weed. Then it will make the water undrinkable and also clog filters. This can lead to oxygen dissolved in the water. The algae will block the sunlight so the plants underneath cannot get any sunlight. Seaweed is an example so if the algae is blocking it that means that the seaweed will not grow for a while. When the oxygen is low it can kill fish and the marine life in the water. 

2.       Ground Water Pollution: When people put chemicals in the soil. The rain will go push the chemical down underground and creates water pollution. So when people dig wells they will have to get the water cleaned. Ground water pollution is man made. It is from gasoline, oil, road salts and chemicals get into the ground water. Material can move from land surface throw the soil and ends up underground. 

3.       Surface Water Pollution: Where natural water like lagoons and rivers and hazards things comes in the water and it dissolves and that creates water pollution.Surface water is also man made. It is from all the resources in earth. We cause surface water pollution from the resources on earth. It will go to ocean,rivers,lakes. This can be polluted in a number of ways and its called surface water pollution.

4.       Oil Spillage: When the oil gets into the water and it will kill all marine life like fish and it will effect humans because if we eat the fish it is full with pollution. This is also man made. This is made by careless mistakes cause by an oil tanker that leaks oil out into the ocean. That is not the only way it will occur. Sometimes it will also break down and cause oil to leak. Sometimes it will even explode. Sometimes when people are at war the other country will dump oil into the other country's ocean.

Easy Bib Version
Students. "Oil Spills." ThinkQuest. Oracle Foundation, Dec. 2001. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.
EPA. "Groundwater Contamination." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 8 July 2011. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.
EPA. "Surface Water Contamination." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 8 July 2001. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.
NOAA. "Nutrient Pollution Is the Process Where Too Many Nutrients, Mainly Nitrogen and Phosphorus, Are Added to Bodies of Water and Can Act like Fertilizer, Causing Excessive Growth of Algae." What Is Nutrient Pollution? NOAA, 23 Jan. 2014. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.

Real Life Example
Oil Spillage : Gulf War 1991 Kuwait
 Nutrients Pollution: Chesapeake Bay
 Ground Water Pollution:  Mississippi River some parts
Surface Water: Great Pacific Patch 


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