Sunday, April 27, 2014

Paws Reflection

Paws Reflection

Paws was really cool. I really felt bad for that cat. The cats back bone was broken because someone hit her back till it broke.  Ms.Amy was really nice. I really like her foundation to cats. Cats deserve to be on our earth. Ms.Amy told use the 5 things cats need. Cats need a good environment. They need to have food and water. They need to have friends and someone to take care of them.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Shark Guardians Reflection

Shark Guardians Reflection
When the shark guardians came to our school was a very good experience. Ms. Liz was the shark guardian. She is a very nice lady. When I heard they were coming to Thailand I was very excited because when I went to the shark guardians at TCIS I was scared to ask questions. I was scared because there were so many people there. Then when I heard them coming to our school I was happy because I could ask questions. I knew a lot about shark because of the first shark guardian I went to. When she came to our school she did not teach that much as last time. This time it was more of a Q & A session. I was very interesting knowing about the mercury in shark fin soup. I really liked asking questions to Ms. Liz. The shark guardians are doing a very good thing to society and good to Earth. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Earth Notes

Earth stands out because 70% is covered by water. The water is divided by continents 4 oceans. The largest is the Pacific Ocean. Atlantic is second largest and Indian is third and Arctic is last. 4.5 billion years ago there was not ocean. Volcanoes and others were there. Then it started to rain and the oceans came. Earth’s shape changed a lot over time. There is sodium collide in the ocean that’s why it is salty.  Measure of the amount of dissolved solids in a given amount of liquid is called salinity. Some parts of the ocean are saltier than others. Coastal water is hotter and drier climate have lower salinity. The water movement can affect the water salinity. Places with not many waves will have high salinity. The water temperature is different in December and July.  It’s if you are near the equator and also where the sun points. It depends on the time of the year. Earth is made out of 3 basic compounds water, land and clouds. All of these three things are in the water cycle. The water cycle is continuous movement of water. Evaporation, Condensation and Precipitation. Earth needs to keep suitable for life. Oceans holds energy from the sunlight. That functions temperatures in the atmosphere.